(and cold).
The first time I saw it my reaction was to pick it up, check to make sure no one was around... and consume it.
Don't ask why, I think it's comparable to when you give a baby any foreign object and their first reaction is to put it in their mouth.
Now I just can't stop eating the damn stuff.
Especially when I'm intoxicated.
I'm broke.
Not the cute 'I'm-going-to-have-to-just-order-an-entree-when-we-go-out-tonight-cause-there's-these-shoes-I-really-want-to-buy' kind of broke.
I'm talking the 'I'm-currently-living-off-after-dinner-mints-and-turn-down-chocolates-that-I've-stolen-from-work' kinda broke.
Travelling is expensive and I've done a hell of a lot of it recently. As much as I try to avoid the need for money right now... it's something you can't really get by without.
So this is my idol right;
Some very strange things happen in a hotel... and I'll be sure to share some of those stories with you soon enough (like the reason why a lady was hoarding 37 towels in her room).
I'm not going to try and sugar coat it, I out right hated it when I first arrived here. I was giving up my freedom to clean other peoples shit out of their toilets (the thought of which still makes me weep over my university degree).
Like most things in life, you have to adjust your attitude and give it a real chance if it's going to have any hope of being successful.
While I'm still adjusting to temperatures of -10, I've settled in quite nicely now.
It helps that the mountains are spectacular!
On my morning walk to work, I always hold my breath as I round the corner of my building, purely out of fear of it being stolen from me.
One bad thing about snow, is it's so cold you can't have your hands exposed to the open air which means; Mittens.
BUT mittens can go die in a hole.
While Skyping with someone awesome, we wrote an acrostic poem to aid in the expression of my feelings;
I started off liking your cute, fingerless ways
Though soon,
The enthusiasm waned
Eventually, I decided that
Niceties were done with,
So I resolved to burn you and your whole family.
Basically the only thing you can do while wearing mittens... is wear mittens.
The cause of my hatred...
Mittens, Mittens, Mittens.
I needed to pee,
Though it was too cold
To remove your woolen hand-sock-love
Eventually, I
Needed to go
So badly, that I peed on my own jeans
(the warmth was nice, but not long term).
Seriously though, they make everything impossible because you just don't ever want to remove your hands from the deliciously warm embrace.
Sorry I haven't posted an update in a while. This is what I've been doing instead of giving you some material to stalk;
because working consecutive 13 hour days isn't fun.
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